Máire Ní Chathasaigh

Online Catalogue | HARP SHEET MUSIC |  Máire Ní Chathasaigh

Sheet Music: Máire Ní Chathasaigh

The Irish Harper Volume 1The Irish Harper Volume 1 Ref: SM0061
Máire Ní Chathasaigh

This book is the fruit of many years' experience of performing & teaching Irish traditional music to harpers by the pioneer & acknowledged leader in the field. It represents the first attempt in print to analyse & explain the aesthetic principles which inform the stylistically correct performance of this music on the harp. Most of these ground-breaking arrangements are of traditional Irish dance music, but also included are two songs and some unusual settings of the music of Turlough O'Carolan. Máire has recorded most of them on her albums 'The New Strung Harp', 'The Living Wood' and 'The Carolan Albums', and best results can be achieved by listening carefully to the recorded versions while following the written music.
Click cover for contents

View more info at www.creightonscollection.co.uk

Price: £13.00


The Irish Harper Volume 2The Irish Harper Volume 2 Ref: SM0018
Second Edition July 2022
Máire Ní Chathasaigh

TURLOUGH O’ CAROLAN was the most famous of all the Irish harper-composers of his day, and his music continues to be the most popular ever composed for the harp in Ireland. It affords a great deal of scope to the creativity of the individual performer, since only Carolan’s melodies survive. This book - the second in a series devoted to the authentic performance of all forms of traditional Irish music on the harp - contains original arrangements of 24 of Carolan’s beautiful tunes, informed by Máire's knowledge both of the native Irish harp tradition and of baroque forms.
Click cover for contents

View more info at www.creightonscollection.co.uk

Price: £13.00


The Irish Harper Volume 2The Irish Harper Volume 2 Ref: SM0018-old
Máire Ní Chathasaigh

Last remaining copies of the First Edition
Click cover for contents

View more info at www.creightonscollection.co.uk

Price: £12.00


Rogha na gCruitiríRogha na gCruitirí Ref: SM0393
Harper's Choice

100 Traditional Tunes for the Irish Harp

Please click here for a full list of tunes and contributors

Price: £30.00


Recordings: Máire Ní Chathasaigh

We also sell recordings by Máire Ní Chathasaigh

Online Catalogue | HARP SHEET MUSIC |  Máire Ní Chathasaigh

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