Y Telynor Clasurol ~ The Classical Harpist £8.00 Transcriptions of 17th and 18th century music for Celtic or Pedal Harp arr Christopher Powell
Click cover image for contents find out more | | Baroque Flamenco £14.00 Deborah Henson-Conant
Baroque Flamenco Solo (Special Pre-Publication Edition) (for pedal & lever harps) includes Beginner, Intermediate & Advanced / Concert versions. There are 12 pages regarding Performance, Notation and Techniques. 100+ in stock (EU Edition printed & distributed by Creighton's Collection) find out more | | Minstrel's Gallery £16.00 Skaila Kanga A collection of 30 easy pieces from Medieval to Present Day for lever or pedal harp by Skaila Kanga. Click cover for contents find out more |
Hands on Harp ~ You can Play!  £12.00 Angharad Evans Young
For the last eighteen years, it has been my privilege to teach many beginner harpists, and it has been my joy and delight to be able to share my love of the harp to so many who would like to learn to play. I always stress that teaching and learning should not only be informative but fun. The dreaded words 'Theory', 'Technique', 'Sight-Reading' must not be allowed to be off-putting, when all one wants to do is to be able to put 'Hands on Harp' and to make music.
I hope my little book with its notes named Cool C, Dizzy D, Exciting E, Fantastic F, Gorgeous G, Amazing A and Busy B, and with its tunes with names like Wobbly Waltz, Groovy Giraffes, Dozing Donkeys, Crazy Crocodiles, Alligator Snap, Bopping Bugs and Dinosaur Disco will help to make your Hands on Harp experience a happy one. And what is more, you will find, as have so many of my pupils in the past, that you have conquered the 'problems' of Theory, Technique and Sight-Reading without even being aware that they were there!
The book can be used in both individual and group teaching, and towards the end I have included second (and in some cases, third and fourth) harp parts to pieces which are set in Grade examinations, and these can be used for playing together, giving the beginner harpist valuable ensemble experience. (click cover for details)
100+ in stock (printed & distributed by Creighton's Collection) find out more | | People and Places £7.00 Jeffrey Mayhew People and Places - literally that! Memories of places visited and the people there. Fiskars, for example, was written in an attic room in Fiskars in winter looking out over the frozen landscape.
Tunes in the book: Fiskars El Colibri Saint Louand Corstorphine Road
Always in stock (printed & distributed by Creighton's Collection) find out more | | Harping On Book One £11.00 Fiona Clifton-Welker 10 pieces for harp with or without pedals - Grades 1 to 2. Click cover for contents find out more |