Just So Bach
Just So Bach  Ref: A0233

1. Prelude from Lute Suite 1006a
2. Prelude from Cello Suite no.1
3. Ave Maria
4. Prelude no.21 from Das Wohltemperirte Clavier, bk. 1
5. Italian Concerto, 2nd movt Andante
6. Prelude from Cello Suite no.6
7. Sicilienne from Flute Sonata no.2
8. Chorale Variations on Take My Life and Let It Be
9. Prelude from Cello Suite no.4
10. Prelude no.2 from Das Wohltemperirte Clavier, bk.1
11. Jesus, Joy of Man's Desiring from Cantata no. 174
12. Prelude no.22 from Das Wohltemperirte Clavier, bk.1
13. Gigue from Partita no.1 in Bb major
14. Chorale Variations on Blessed Are the Pure in Heart